
Our Brain Contains Our Personality And Life Experiences!
LGBTQ+ Ambassadors From The Past Can Share These Experiences With
Future Generations As Living Witnesses.
Starting With Today’s Technologies!

Early 19th Century Pioneers

Early 20th Century Pioneers

Early 21st Century Pioneer

Nothing is guaranteed in life but your death. So planning for it is a special responsibility, if you want to leave on your terms. Usually if you are properly prepared, your selected Funeral Director will, after your death, take possession of your body and implement your choice of the disposition of your body, burial or cremation. In addition, usually a Will or Trust drawn up by you and your advisor(s) to disperse your assets. Cranial Cryonic Preservation can be incorporated with your body disposition choices and asset preservation in your final wishes.

Your Options

Cranial cryonic preservation is an important addition and easy to add to your final wishes. That immediately after your death, prior to the Funeral Director taking possession of your body, that the removal of your skull with your brain to be done for preparations for long term cryonic preservation. The remainder of your body, after any additional authorized organ donations, be given to the Funeral Director to dispose of your body per your wishes.

It is not certain you will die in a way that this Cryonic Procedure can be done successfully and that your revival will be likely. This is why it is essential for both outcomes to be covered in your final wishes.

The Best Approach

Choosing the Funeral Director, the Suspended Animation Team, the Cryonic Storage Facility and Revival Services, including a Financial Institution for Asset Protection and Management, and Legal Protections are the challenges for Individual and Rainbow Pioneers’ participants. Each person is free to choose the professionals of their own choice, this website can be an informational source for you. Ideally, gathering together will bring empowered protections not available to individuals and to encourage us to share the same services and storage facility so to stay as close to each other as possible. The Objective of the Rainbow Pioneers is to find the best of the best of these cryogenic services, revival services and long term asset and legal protections through group consensus, sharing our knowledge and experiences while organically creating a representative self supporting foundation that will build over time. Eventually meeting back up in a different era.

“No matter where in the world you come from”