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Well, here we are are, in the second decade of the 21st century…. Being a baby boomer I have seen a lot over my lifetime but I am sure there are many who have seen much more, like the ones from the silent generation. How interesting they are today, can you imagine what they would be like 200 years from now, Real Treasures I bet. Actually we would all be like little treasures, just add the diversity of the lbgtq community worldwide and you’ll have the Rainbow Pioneers.
“Group Cryonics!” Sounds a bit crazy, until you put just a little thought into it.
My name is Michael LaPoint, west coast U.S.A. and I want to be part of this group.
Right now what is needed are a few early pioneers that can help develop the beginnings of this group while doing what we all should be doing and that is our final wishes. Group thinking is what is needed now. I have sources to share and what knowledge I have will be available to all. This is really not that complicated, it’s basically going down a check list. Commitment is all that is required. If you want to be part of this group, the Rainbow Pioneers.
2 Responses
A Very Well Done Website !
For a new site…. it’s a start!